(6) Gain
/VoIP Setup/Advance Setup/Gain
This page defines different function gain on the gateway.
Gain when Dial tone phase
When phone off hook, user will hear the dial tone generated from the gateway,
sser can adjust the play/record gain during this phase for stable DTMF detection.
After connection, the gains setting here is no use, the gateway will adjust the gain
setting on
/Line Configure/Line setting/
Transmit gain from network to line. Adjust the speaker volume on the
handset. Higher value will louder the speaker on local side.
: Receive gain from line to network. Adjust the microphone volume on the
handset. Larger value which will amplifier the MIC volume on local site.
Incorrect value will cause the gateway can not receive the DTMF user pressed on
phone set, please use the default 0dB if no other issue.
DTMF Generate DSP play Gain
Setting the internal gain used by DSP for generate the DTMF signal, incorrect value
will cause the DTMF can not accept by other telephone equipment. Please use the
default value if no other issue.
Call progress Tone DSP play Gain
Setting the internal gain used by DSP for generate the CPT ( Call Progress Tone),
Incorrect value will cause the DTMF can not accept by other telephone equipment.
Please use the default value if no other issue.
Caller ID Detection record Gain
Setting the Caller ID Receiver gain. Incorrect value will cause the Caller ID signal can
not be receive, please use the default value if no other issue.