Step 3. – Prepare Treatment Tank
Two types of media are supplied with your MicroTurb™ system: gravel which forms the base
layer (underbedding) in your treatment tank, and a specialized sediment/turbidity reduction
media called NextSand.
Place the tank in the location where it will sit when the installation is complete. Note that the
black base of your tank is not permanently attached to the rest of the tank. If your tank
appears to be crooked, the base has likely been knocked out of alignment during shipping.
This can be correct by picking the tank up and tapping it on a hard surface while holding it
perpendicular to the floor. A few light taps will generally straighten it out.
Temporarily remove the distributor and riser tube assembly from the treatment tank. Hand
tighten the Fleck 5810XTR2 control valve on the tank and mark where the front of the tank
will be. Turn the tank so that the front of the tank is where you want it when it is full – once it
is full of media and water, it becomes very heavy and difficult to move!
Remove the control valve and re-insert the distributor and riser tube assembly into the tank.
The distributor, which looks like a cone-shaped plastic screen, is pre-connected to the end of
the long plastic riser tube which extends from the bottom of the tank to the top of the tank
where the control valve is attached. At the bottom of the tank, there is a recess in the center
of the tank to accept the distributor to keep it properly aligned. The riser tube has been pre-
cut to the correct height for you. When the distributor is correctly positioned, the top of the
riser tube will be approximately 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch below the top of the tank. If the tube is
flush or protruding above the top of the tank, the distributor tube is not nested correctly in the
recess at the bottom of the tank.
Add enough water to the tank to cover the lower distributor with a minimum of 6 inches of
water. This will prevent damage to the lower distributor as gravel is loaded. Place the funnel
into the tank so that the riser tube is in the middle. Place tape over the open end of the riser
tube. This will prevent gravel or media from accidentally going down the tube during the
following steps.
For the following steps, we recommend that you wear a dust mask. Take the bag/box of
gravel and, using a small scoop, add the gravel to the tank through the funnel to completely
cover the lower distributor. Use all of the gravel. Be sure to provide some downward
pressure on the riser tube while adding the gravel to ensure that the distributor does not shift
out of its recess or rise up. Ensure that you create an even layer of gravel across the bottom