Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
<Any Numeric Sensor> means all numeric sensors of the PDU, including internal and environmental sensors.
<Any Numeric Sensor> is especially useful if you want to receive the notifications when any numeric sensor's
readings pass through a specific threshold.
In this example, the Peripheral Device Slot is selected, which is related to the environmental sensor packages. Then a
sensor ID field for this event type appears. Click this additional field to specify which sensor should be the subject of
this event.
In this example, sensor ID 2 (Slot 2) is selected, which is a temperature sensor. Then a new field for this sensor
appears. Click this field to specify the type of event(s) you want.
In this example, Numeric Sensor is selected because we want to select numeric-sensor-related event(s). Then a field
for numeric-sensor-related events appears. Click this field to select one of the numeric-sensor-related events from the
In this example, 'Above upper critical threshold' is selected because we want the PDU to react only when the selected
temperature sensor's reading enters the upper critical range. A "Trigger condition" field appears, requiring you to define
the "exact" condition related to the "upper critical" event.
Select the desired radio button to finish the event configuration. Refer to the following table for different types of radio
If needed, you may refer to event rule examples in the section titled
(on page 153).
To select any action(s), select them one by one from the Available Actions list.
To select all available actions, click Select All.
To remove any action(s) from the Selected Actions field, click that action's
To remove all actions, click Deselect All.