R410A Full DC Inverter Split Duct Type Technical Manual MCAC-UTSM-201503
from remote controller or wired controller, until unlocking.
The air conditioner can be operated by the centralized controller.
2) Operation
Can lock or unlock through the computer.
Can operate by a centralized controller.
In the centralized controller setting interface, press LOCK key to lock or unlock.
If the current state is remote controller locking, press the key to unlock.
If there's no remote controller locking, press the key to lock.
3. Mode locking
1) Effect
Under the mode locking state, only can choose the mode which hasn't conflict with locking mode through
centralized controller to operate the air conditioner,
2) Operation
Can set the heat and cool mode lock or not
Under mode locking state, if set the new mode locking, it must be unlocking first, then can operate the
new mode locking.
Can lock or unlock through the computer.
Can operate by a centralized controller.
In the centralized controller setting interface, choose all the air conditioners of the centralized controller
network as the object, press Upward key and hold on, then press LOCK key to do the mode locking or
If the current state is mode locking, press the key to unlock.
If there isn't a mode of locking, press the key to lock.
Power on or reset
When the centralized controller is powered on or resets by the RESET key:
The buzzer long buzz for 2 seconds: all display segments of the LCD are luminous for 2 seconds and then
goes off;