5. LET-OFF Adjustment
1. It’s hammer stop mute system, so the hammer let-off should be a little bit longer (5~7 mm)
than acoustic type (2~3 mm).
Let he hammer shank let off
.5 ~ 1 mm from the stopper(mute rail).
* Calibration (Initialization) : The way of Initializing the key sensors and pedal sensors
Right after power on the system, immediately press and hold the [METRO.] button before the
system gets ready. Release [METRO.] button when the display shows the ready meaning. And
press each of the 88 keys and all pedals. And press the [METRO.] button again to finish the
initialization. (Refer to the User’s Manual for more detail))
* Touch Button :
Slightly touch the LETTERS bellow the button’s icons
Thank you.
If hammer shanks don’t drop
down properly for let-off, the
key falls down improperly, as a
result, the system cannot make
the correct sound.