MND3RACCPLME (continued)
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P a g e 1 0 - 2 2 0 - 1 R E V : B
Now that all 3 AC wiring steps are complete, we need to wire in the batteries. Batteries require safety
precautions when working on or around. Please consult the battery manufacturer’s safety instructions
before working with the batteries. Always check the polarity of the battery with your voltmeter in case the
manufacturer labeled wrong. The Cables are included and as you can see from the picture you simply need
to slide the 4 batteries in and connect them in a series string for 24 vdc. We are recommending the
Concorde PVX3050T 6 volt batteries for this. For other battery arrangements or larger battery banks
please consult with customer service at MidNite Solar.
NOTE: Never used Vented batteries in this system use only SEALED batteries..
As seen above the very Left battery has its Negative terminal to the Left. The series string continues
across to the very right battery where the positive terminal is on the far right. The illustration below shows
how to wire the 4 batteries.