MND3RACCPLME (continued)
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P a g e 1 0 - 2 2 0 - 1 R E V : B
Here is a wiring diagram of the Pre Wired portion of the box as it ships from MidNite.
Before starting this project please make sure the Grid tie inverter is off line and make sure you follow all
necessary safety precautions. Always shut off all AC power before working on any circuits. Also make
sure to switch off the Battery breaker in the AC coupled system before installing batteries.
There are 3 distinct electrical connections you need to make to the Pre Wired AC coupled system:
1-A 4 wire 120/240VAC branch circuit 30 amps or less from the utility Main panel to the buss bars
Labeled “AC Hot In”
2-A 4 wire 120/240VAC circuit from the buss bars labeled “AC Out to Critical Loads panel” to the sub
panel with the critical loads in it. This should be the same ampacity as the feeder in Step 1 above.
3-The 120/240vac circuit from the Grid tied inverter should be removed from the utility main panel and
wired to the buss bars labeled “Input from Grid Tie inverter”. Keep in mind this circuit is protected by a
15 amp 120/240VAC breaker in the AC coupled box. The Magnum inverter is limited in the capacity of
grid tie it can handle. If the grid tie system is greater than 15 amps at 240VAC please contact customer
service at MidNite Solar for help designing the system.