SMA E-Panel installation manual
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Appendix D E-Panel descriptions
Master E-Panel in a single Sunny Island system.
(SunnyBoy inverter required)
The master includes the input/output bypass system
along with separate AC input and output breakers.
This E-Panel is used in conjunction with a Sunny
Island inverter as part of an AC Coupled system.
Comes with a 250 Amp battery disconnect breaker
and inverter cables. Pre-wired with AC input and
output wiring. The battery breaker is a custom relay
trip version to work with the BirdHouse that can be
remotely shut off from outside the building by fire
personnel in an emergency.
RS485 boards are required when AC Coupling to
SunnyBoy inverters if 3 stage charging is desired.
One RS485 board goes into the Sunny Island
inverter and each SunnyBoy Inverter. AC Coupling
to the SunnyBoy grid-tie inverter is possible
without RS485 boards. The Sunny Island grid-tie
inverter will frequency shift based on battery voltage to knock the grid-tie inverter off line. SunnyBoy
inverters can switch between off-grid and grid-tie mode automatically when RS485 boards are used. To
program this feature you must use either a SMA service cable (USBPBS) or SMA web box
Recommended Options:
MNSPD-300 - Surge protection for leg 2 AC IN and OUT
MNSMA Tall BP - Tall back plate for mounting one Sunny Island, one SMA E-Panel and one AutoFormer.
MNX-240 240 to 120VAC Autoformer (required to interface the 240V SunnyBoy to the 120V Sunny
MNBE-8D2x2 Battery Enclosure - Holds four 8D size batteries. Stack-able, aluminum indoor/outdoor
MNBE-D Battery Enclosure - Holds eight Concorde 3050T AGM batteries. Steel indoor enclosure.
MNXFLEX4/0-W60" - 60 inch 4/0 Black UL Listed Cobra X-Flex battery cable with tin plated lugs and glue
filled White heat shrink.
MNXFLEX4/0-R60" - 60 inch 4/0 Black UL Listed Cobra X-Flex battery cable with tin plated lugs and glue
filled Red heat shrink.
Description: The MNE250SMA-AC-SINGLE master includes the Manual input/output bypass system
along with separate AC input and output breakers. The Automatic Grid tie Bypass relay is installed as
well. Comes with a 250 battery disconnect breaker and inverter cables. Pre-wired with AC input and
output wiring. Box Size 25"L x 23"W x 14"D Weight 40 lbs.