After sales service
Should you still have any difficulties,
please contact:
– Your Miele Dealer
– The Miele Service Department
See back cover for addresses.
Please quote the model type and
number of your appliance.
This information can be found on the
data plate at the top of the door.
Please note that telephone calls
may be monitored and recorded to
improve our service.
Programme update function - PC
The programme update function en-
ables new developments in programme
technology to be programmed into your
machine by a service technician.
When, for example, technological de-
velopments offer advanced modifica-
tions to your existing programme
cycles a service technician will be able
to input these into your machine con-
trols via the indicator light marked PC
(Programme Correction).
Miele will provide information on pro-
gramme updates when such develop-
ments become available.
After sales service