Choosing a program
The wash program chosen should de-
pend on the type of dishes and the de-
gree of soiling.
In most cases the LIGHT WASH pro-
gram, a NORMAL program or the IN-
TENSIVE program will give excellent re-
The available programs and some of
their applications are listed in the Pro-
gram Chart on the next two pages.
Use this program for lightly to nor-
mally soiled dishware.
A warm water intake (temperature of
the incoming water) of at least
45 °C/115 °F is necessary for this
Water is not heated in this program.
Only 0.10 kWh of electricity (approx.) is
used during this cycle.
The drying result may not match that of
a program with a full drying cycle.
The higher the temperature of the in-
take water, the better the drying results.
Open the door of the dishwasher
2-3 inches (5-6 mm) at the end of the
program to speed the drying pro-
Choosing a program