Roasting in the oven
Roasting with the Roast Probe
Using the roast probe enables the roa-
sting process to be monitored simply
and reliably.
The tip of the probe measures the
at the centre of the meat
When the pre-selected core temperatu-
re is reached, the oven heating is auto-
matically switched off.
Using the roast probe for best effect:
Prepare the meat in the usual man-
ner, and put it into the oven, (in a pot
or on the rack).
Roasting bags or aluminium foil may
also be used, but only when left open
at the ends. Insert the probe through
the foil or bag.
Insert the probe into the middle of
the meat.
Ensure that it does not touch a bone,
and that it is not inserted into a fatty
piece of meat. If fat or bone come into
contact with the probe, this can lead to
the oven being switched off too early.
When roasting with the probe it is a
good idea to take the frame off the pull-
out carriage. The telescopic carriage
can then be pulled right out.
When roasting poultry the best place to
insert the probe is the thickest part be-
tween thigh and body.
Push the probe into the socket until it
is felt to engage.