D isp o sal o f th e p ac k ing
m ater ial
The transport and protective packing
has been selected from materials w hich
are environmentally friendly for disposal
and can normally be recy cled.
E nsure that any plastic w rappings,
bags, etc. are disposed of safely and
kept out of the reach of babies and
y oung children. D anger of suffocation.
R ather than just throw ing these
materials aw ay , please ensure they are
offered for recy cling.
D isp o sal o f y o u r o ld ap p lianc e
o r m ac h ine
E lectrical and electronic appliances /
machines often contain materials
w hich, if handled or disposed of
incorrectly , could be potentially
haz ardous to human health and to the
environment. They are, how ever,
essential for the correct functioning of
y our appliance or machine. Therefore,
please do not dispose of y our old
machine or appliance w ith y our
household w aste.
P lease dispose of it at y our local
community w aste collection / recy cling
centre and ensure that it presents no
danger to children w hile being stored
for disposal.
It should be unplugged or disconnected
from the mains electricity supply by a
competent person.
The plug must be rendered useless
and the cable cut off directly behind the
appliance or the machine to prevent
C ar ing fo r th e env ir o nm ent