F u nc tio ns
N o tes
R ap id
h eat-u p
– F or pre-heating the oven compartment.
The oven function req uired must then be selected.
F an p lu s
– F or baking and roasting.
– Y ou can bake and roast on different levels at the same
– L ow er temperatures can be used than w ith "C onventional
" as the F an plus sy stem distributes the heated air
around the food.
F an g r ill
– F or grilling larger items, e.g. rolled meat, poultry .
– The hot air from the grill is distributed over the food by the
fan. This enables a low er temperature to be selected than
w hen using "F ull grill
"/"E conomy grill
Intensiv e-
b ak e
– F or cooking dishes w hich req uire a moist topping and a
crisp base such as piz z a and q uiche lorraine.
– Intensive bake is not suitable for baking thin biscuits etc.
or for roasting as the juices w ill become too dark.
D efr o st
– F or the gentle defrosting of froz en food.
F u nc tio ns