N o tes ab o u t th e c h ar ts
T em p er atu r e, b ak ing d u r atio n
To achieve even results w ithout
over-brow ning the food,
– alw ay s select the
lo w est
tem p er atu r e
given in the chart.
D o not set a temperature higher than
that recommended. Increasing the
temperature may reduce the cooking
time, but w ill lead to uneven
brow ning, and unsatisfactory
cooking results.
– C heck if the food is cooked at the
end of the
sh o r test tim e q u o ted
To check if a cake is ready , insert a
w ooden skew er into the centre.
It is ready if the skew er comes out
clean, w ithout dough or crumbs
sticking to it.
S h elf lev el
The shelf levels are counted from the
bottom of the oven upw ards (1 =
low est, 5 = highest).
N u m b er
o f tr ay s
S h elf lev el
1 and 3
1, 3 and 5 *
1 or 2
1 or 2
* W hen baking moist cakes, bread etc
do not use more than tw o baking tins
at the same time.
F r o z en fo o d
W hen baking froz en products such as
c ak es, p iz z a and b ag u ettes
, use the
low est temperature q uoted on the
manufacturer's packaging. B ake on a
lay er of baking parchment placed on
the rack. C ooking large froz en items on
the baking tray or the universal tray can
cause the metal to distort. This
distortion w ould increase w ith
subseq uent use.
S mall items of froz en food such as
o v en c h ip s o r p o tato c r o q u ettes
be cooked on the universal tray . P lace
them on baking parchment and select
the low est temperature q uoted on the
manufacturer's packaging. Turn several
times during cooking.
Bak ing tip s