T o r em o v e th e o v en d o o r
The oven door is connected to the oven
by hinges.
B efore removing the door, the locking
clamps on both hinges have to be
O pen the door fully .
To release the locking clamps on the
hinges turn them upw ards as far as
they w ill go until they are at an angle.
S ee illustration.
Then lift the door upw ards as far as it
w ill go.
D o not attempt to take the door off
the hinge guides w hen it is in a
horiz ontal position. The guides w ill
close, and damage the appliance.
D anger of inury .
H old the door securely at both sides
and lift upw ards off the hinge guides.
D o not lift the door off by the handle.
The handle could break and
damage the door.
Make sure that y ou lift the door off
eq ually on both sides.
C leaning and c ar e