T o d ism antle th e o v en d o o r
If condensate has w orked its w ay in
betw een the glass panes, the door can
be dismantled in order to clean in
betw een the panes.
D o not use scouring agents, hard
sponges or brushes or sharp metal
tools to clean glass as these can
scratch the surface. S cratches can
also cause the glass to break.
D o not use an oven spray . This w ill
damage the surface of the
aluminium surrounds.
E nsure that the glass panes are
inserted the correct w ay round after
cleaning as each side of the pane
has a different coating. Those facing
the oven interior reflect the heat.
To avoid the risk of breakage, it is
advisable to place the panes on a
table protected by a soft cloth (e.g.
a tow el).
A lw ay s remove the oven door before
dismantling it.
P lace the door on a protective
surface (e.g. on a table cloth) to
prevent it getting scratched. The
door handle should line up w ith the
edge of the table. Make sure the
glass lies flat and does not get
broken during cleaning.
F lip the glass pane retainers
outw ards to open them.
Y ou can now remove the inner and
middle panes.
C leaning and c ar e