Description of operational process
BA_Lötstar_EN_Vers. 07.2016
Description of operational process
Lötstar units produce a hydrogen flame with very high
temperatures of up to approx. 2850°C.
In the integrated reactor, detonating gas is produced through
electrolysis from demineralized water.
The detonating gas is guided from the reactor to a condensate
separator to dry. Then, the gas is enriched with solvent vapours
in a vaporizer tank. The processed detonating gas is then
conducted through the gas hose to the burner hand piece via a
backfire protection device.
If the detonating gas ignites, it reacts releasing heat. The
remainder of the reaction is water (H
Temperature and energy of the burner flame can be adjusted to
the soldering or welding job by the selection of a suitable nozzle
size and the type of vaporizer liquid.
The fine adjustment of the quantity of delivered gas is carried
out by the regulating wheel on the burner hand piece. The
operating pressure can also be set at the operating panel
depending on the required energy of the flame.
As soon as the valve at the burner hand piece is closed the gas
production is automatically interrupted.
Depending on the temperature of the electrolyte reactor the
ventilation device keeps on operating for a certain period of
time until the reactor has cooled down to 45°C. The ventilation
device is fitted with 3 speed ranges which are controlled
The extremely low energy consumption and the low cost of
consumption goods (demineralized water, vaporizer liquid)
ensure extraordinarily low operating costs compared to other
Operational principle
Adjustment of the
Stand-by mode
Economic efficiency