Glass window:
Rotate the four fastening studs at
the bottom corners and sides 90 degrees to release
them. Unhook the glass window.
Reinstall the window.
1. Hook the glass window to the fi rebox then fasten the
four studs pushing and turning them 90 degrees,
Verify that each stud is properly hooked by
feeling with your fi ngers and ensuring the pin of
the bolt is hooked to the fi replace’s fl ange.
If the Hot Glass Warning plate has been removed
from the front lower corner of the window,
reinstall it by sliding it between the glass and
the frame as indicated.
F O R S A F E T Y P U R P O S E , ensure the
barrier screen is re-installed on the fi replace
front after maintenance.
Servicing & Maintenance
Reinstall the barrier screen and window frame.
3. Hook the window frame with screen attached to
the top of the fi rebox. Push the bottom against the
fi rebox to attach the magnets.
4. Reinstall the bottom cover sliding its top fl ange into
slots located at the bottom corners of the window
frame or hook the fret to its brackets.
Hot Glass Plate
x 4