Installation Instructions for Mincey Marble Manufacturing’s
Chrome Plated Wire Corner Mount Soapdish
Product number: SD- 08
Please read the following before attempting to install your new
chrome plated wire corner mount soapdish
These instructions have been written for Mincey Marble’s SD-08 chrome plated wire
corner mount soapdish. If you have received a different product than shown, please
contact our office so we can send proper instructions to you.
SD- 08
In preparation, before installing the soapdish, you will need to have completed the
installation of the panel system and sealed the seams of the shower behind where the
soapdish is to be installed with 100% silicone.
Tools and Materials required:
1. Torpedo level
2. Drill with ¼” masonry drill bit
3. 3 plastic wall anchors, stainless screws and mounting brackets (included in each box,
with wire soapdish)
4. 3 ea. clear plastic washers and chrome plated plastic screw caps (packaged separately
and included in your shipment)
5. #2 Phillips head screwdriver
6. Pencil
Mincey Marble Mfg., Inc.
1940 New Harvest Road
Gainesville, GA 30507
Ph: 800.533.1806
Fx: 770.531.0935