Second stage (targeted Biofeedback training with the skin
1. The second stage consists of multiple sessions. These sessions should always
follow the following scheme. You shall now exercise conscious relaxation with
the feedback signal.
2. Start the measurement and watch the values for a while. Then try to bring them
down through active, conscious intervention. There are many ways to do this,
such as breathing in a controlled and calm pattern, using techniques of muscle
relaxation or autosuggestion. The exact way is up to you, your knowledge on
relaxation and your will to experiment. Also observe small changes in the
measured values. A part of the training focuses on the general reduction of the
tonic skin conductance level, while a second part focuses on the reduction of
the fluctuations.
3. Both the intensity of a stimulus and its subjective significance will influence the
amplitude of the consecutive skin response. The stimulus can be internal in
nature (thoughts, memories and emotions), or external (images, sounds and
events). Inevitably, it will happen to you that you feel less able to relax; for
example, because of negative thoughts. If you notice a rising skin response as
a result, try to bring it down again. Taking a deep breath brings up the skin
response as well, so try to bring it down again.
4. In the second training phase, the aim is to lower the general level of skin
conductance and reduce the increase as a result of a stimulus as quickly as
possible. They train to reduce their general tension and be able to switch off
flexibly after stressful situations. In the app, you should decrease the average
of your sessions and the number of fluctuations (SCR / min and total SCR).
Third stage (deliberate provocation, relaxation and stress coping)
1. We will now actively use stress stimuli (stressors) to improve your ability to deal
with them. Skin conductance biofeedback is particularly suitable for the use of
targeted provocation methods because it shows a timely and sensitive response
to a stimulus, and because this response is also proportional to the strength and
significance of the stimulus.
2. Start the measurement and watch your readings for a while. Then try to relax.
The training starts with a rest period of a few minutes.
3. Now a selective stressor should be applied. This can be a certain thought, sound
or image with a negative connotation. Almost every person knows certain things