Settings (Overview)
Feedback Direction
Select the direction in which you want the feedback to react to. It can
respond either to an increase or decrease in the measured values.
Response time
The default setting is "Short", which allows feedback to respond quickly to
changes in readings. For longer measurements we recommend "Medium"
or "Long", then the reaction time will be slightly delayed and the eSense
will no longer react to every small change of the measured values.
Music Feedback
If the value moves in the unwanted direction (e.g. lower values), the
music will become quieter or change its speed depending on the type of
feedback you choose.
Music Preview
Tab the play button to listen to the selected song.
Choose music
You can choose default or your own music.
Music feedback type
You can optionally choose between music start/stop, volume feedback or
playback rate feedback. Note: For iOS are the Restricted options.
Tone Feedback
In the background, you can hear sounds from other apps.
Choose tone type
You can choose between single or continuous tones.
Auto Mode
When this is activated, the range in which the sound changes is
automatically adjusted. The minimum and maximum values of the set
time window are automatically used for the lower and upper limits of the
following interval.
Value range from-to (Not visible when auto mode is enabled)
You can
set the area in which the feedback is active. We recommend selecting the
range wide at the beginning and to set it smaller over time if necessary.
Alternatively, you can use the automatic mode.
Auto correction time frame (Only visible when auto mode is enabled)
You can specify the time window in which the automatic mode adjusts
itself each time.
Musical instrument
You can choose from various preset instruments.
Set an interval for the tone feedback.