Net value
Tare 1 application
Tare 2 application
Diference during calibration
Exact calibration weight value
Exact calibration weight value on output of SBI protocol
Serial number of the weighing platform or the
Output of the weight value +1255.7 g
Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
G # * * * * + * * * 1 2 5 5 . 7 * g * * CR LF
Position 1 … 6: Marking, right-aligned illed with blank spaces
Position 7: Algebraic sign +, – or blank space
Position 8: Blank space
Position 9 … 16: Weight value with decimal point. Leading zeros are displayed as blank
spaces (instead of a decimal point, a comma can be used, see Chapter
menu item
[DEZIM.TZ] 7.17).
Position 17: Blank space
Position 18 … 20: Character for measurement unit, blank space or character
as symbol
Position 21: Carriage Return
Position 22: Line Feed
If the weight value is displayed with a resolution 10
times higher, it may not be printed
or stored on scales used in legal metrology that are operated in SBI mode. In this case,
the unit character is never output with the data output.
8.6 Conigure data interface as printer interface (PRINTER)
One or two strip printers or one or two label printers can be connected to Combics. The
interfaces COM1 and UniCOM are conigured as the printer interface in the menu item
[DRUCKER] (see Chapter
A command for the data output to the printer interface is generated:
when requested via the key
If the user is in the operating menu, then all menu settings under the currently
displayed menu item are printed out.
After receiving the SBI command "ESC k P _",
For this purpose, see the section "Data input format" in this Chapter (
Combics 1 Series Complete Scales Models CAW1P, CAW1S, CAS1
8 Data interfaces
Minebea Intec