6. Operating | 6.11 - Defining limits | 91
6.11 Defining limits
Each limit consists of a switch-on and a switch-off point for definition of a hys
teresis. The 3 pairs of values must be entered according to the same princi
ple. The limit values always refer to the gross weight. SPM addresses for the
limits, see Chapter
Example 1:
The output signal (Limit 1 out) of limit 1 (Limit 1) switches OFF above a
weight (Wgt) of 900 kg.
The output signal (Limit 2 out) of limit 2 (Limit 2) switches OFF below a weight
of 290 kg.
The two limit values have a hysteresis of 10 kg.
In the event of a power failure, the two outputs go to OFF, thus indicating un
der filling and over filling at the same time.