2 Safety instructions
2.1 General notes
Warning of personal injury.
The product was in perfect condition with regard to safety features when it left the
To maintain this condition and to ensure safe operation, the user must follow the
instructions and observe the warnings in this manual.
2.2 Intended use
The cable junction box is designed for tank and hopper weighing applications.
It cannot be operated in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Product operation, commissioning and maintenance must be performed by trained and
qualiied personnel who are aware of and able to deal with the related hazards and take
suitable measures for self-protection.
The device relects the state of the art.
The manufacturer does not accept any liability for damage caused by third-party system
components or due to incorrect use of the product. The use of this product signiies
recognition of the stipulations listed above.
The following table shows the load cells that should and should not be used for diferent
Load cells to be used
Load cells not to be used
PR 6201/..L, /..N, /..D1, /..C3, /..C4, /..C5,
PR 6201/..LE, /..LA, /..NE, /..D1E, /..C3E,
/..C4E, /..C5E, /..C6E
PR 6201/..NDB, /..LDB
PR 6201/..NDBE, /..LDBE
PR 6202/..C1, /..C3, /..C4
PR 6202/..C1E, /..C3E, /..C4E
Inteco®/..D1, /..C3, /..C6
Inteco®/..D1E, /..C3E, /..C6E
PR 6204 Pendeo® Process
PR 6207/..D1, /..C3
PR 6211/..D1
PR 6212/..C1
PR 6212/..C1E, /..LT
PR 6221/.., all types
PR 6224 Pendeo® Truck
PR 6241/..D1, /..C3, /..C6
PR 6241/..D1E, /..C3E, /..C6E
Contego®/..D1, /..D1Ex, /..C3, /..C3Ex
PR 6246/..D1, /..C3, /..C6
PR 6246/..D1E, /..C3E, /..C6E
PR 6251/..L
PR 6251/..LE, /..LA, /..LAC
Novego®/..D1, /..D1E, /..C3, /..C3E
2 Safety instructions
Cable Junction Box MP 90/04
Minebea Intec