Chain Drive belt adjustment
and replacement:
Periodic adjustment of the chain drive belt
may be necessary to maintain proper ten-
If the chain is too loose, it will make a
“popping” noise while accelerating.
Retightening the chain requires immediate
adjustment or the chain may become per-
manently damaged.
To adjust the chain drive belt:
1) Disconnect the battery connector
Important: Whenever working on or
near the chain, It is highly recommen
ed that you disconnect the battery.
Refer to the section “How to replace
the battery”.
2) Remove the chain belt cover
3) Loosen the axle nuts until the axle
can be moved around easily
(Fig 28).
4) Move
the axle
and back
ward until
the proper
tension is achieved.
5) Lock the axle nuts and turn the
wheel manually until it is fully paral lel
and inline with the front axle. If not,
loosen one nut and refasten again
when alignment takes place.
6) Replace the chain cover.
Fig 28