(2) Paper Take-Up Retry Control
To minimize the occurrence of a paper misfeed due to a slippery Paper Take-Up
Roll, the Paper Take-Up Motor (M11/12) is kept deenergized for a given period of
time before it is energized again, if a sheet of paper fails to reach the Paper Take-Up
Sensor (PC55/56) even after the lapse of a given period of time after the motor has
first been energized (paper take-up retry control).
A misfeed results if the sheet of paper does not reach the Paper Take-Up Sensor
even after three paper take-up sequences.
(3) Paper Take-Up Interval Control
The Paper Feed Roll and Separator Roll may sometimes fail to separate the subse-
quent sheet of paper properly and the leading edge of that paper may be beyond
the Feed and Separator Rolls inside the copier. If the next paper take-up sequence
is started in this condition, the distance between the preceding and the current
sheet of paper will become shorter than normal, resulting in a misfeed.
To maintain a given paper take-up interval, therefore, this copier provides the fol-
lowing control. If it takes the paper less than a specified time to block ([L]) PC55/56
after M11/12 has been energized, M11/12 is temporarily deenergized and, an ap-
propriate period of time thereafter, it is energized again (paper take-up interval con-
(4) Double Feed Paper Take-Up Control
Even if the Paper Take-Up Roll takes up two sheets of paper at one time, the double
feed paper take-up control uses the second sheet of paper for the next copy cycle
without causing a paper misfeed. It eliminates a paper misfeed that would other-
wise result when two sheets of paper are taken up at once.
If the second sheet of paper is stationary blocking PC55/56 when the trailing edge
of the first sheet of paper moves past Vertical Transport Sensor PC63/PC64, the
copier determines that it is a double feed condition and provides double feed con-
If, however, the second sheet of paper has reached the Vertical Transport Roller,
the double feed control is not provided since the paper is fed further into the copier
by the Vertical Transport Roller. This could result in a paper misfeed or the second
sheet of paper being fed through the copier with the first one.
Paper Path
PC56 Detection Point
PC64 Detection Point
PC55 Detection Point
PC54 Detection Point
Position of Leading Edge of 2nd Sheet of Paper
Double Feed Control
For Paper Feeding
from 1st Drawer
(Not Provided)
For Paper Feeding
from 2nd Drawer
(Not Provided)
PC63 Detection Point