How To Use DS-110H
Layout Example
For More Information
DS-110 / DS-110H instruction manual
DS-110 / DS-110H instruction manual
DS-110 / DS-110H instruction manual
DS-110 / DS-110H instruction manual
DS-110 / DS-110H instruction manual
Loosen the M6 bolt on the frame to allow the connection
bar to slide through the frame. Remove one end cap from
the connection bar with taking care the slot nut is not
removed, then insert the bar through the frame.
Replace the end cap on the connection bar and fully
tighten the bolt using
a M5 hex wrench.
How To Use DS-110
End Cap
M6 Bolt
When using a single DS-110,
the connection bar should be
fixed in the center.
If more than one DS-110 stands are to be
connected, the connection bar should be
fixed at the end of the bar.
<To Close>
< To Open>
To stand a bicycle in the DS-110, simply insert the wheel
into the frame.
<Combination of DS-110 and DS-110H>
(Place the bike on the lower stand first.)
Please note that the minimum compatible
wheel size is 20".
Please ensure the wheel is securely inserted
into the frame and is supported by the spokes.
If using wheels with unique spokes or design
please ensure that the wheel is fully sup-
M6 Bolt
Move Side
Fix Side
The DS-110H is a high postion
mount for increasing the
height of the stand when used
either on it's own or connected
to several other stands.
Remove both M6 bolts from
the frame with taking care
the slot nuts are not re-
moved, then slide the DS-
110 into the DS-110H from
the side.
Fully tighten both bolts us-
ing an M5 hex wrench.
Please ensure the connec-
tion bar is fitted to the DS-
110, not the DS-110H.
<Completed DS-100 & 110H>
For additional support, please first contact your supplier.
Made In Japan
<Angled Layout>
<Horizontal Layout>
(using DS-110H alternately)
One side frame can be adjusted to accommodate to your
tire width. Loosen both M6 bolts, adjsut the frame posi-
tion, then tighten both bolts firmly.
Do not use the
DS-110 and DS-
110H on their
own without the
connection bar
as it will not be
stable enough to
support the
M6 Bolt
Connection Bar
M6 Slot Nut
Connection Bar
M6 Slot Nut
End Cap
M6 Bolt
M6 Slot