Why My Remote Shifter Doesn't Work Properly?
You may have a shifting problem that you cannot set at L or H position properly due to the lengthened
inner cable.
To fix this problem, follow the steps to adjust the initial cable tension.
Set your remote shifter at "H" position and remove the shifter from your handlebar, then straighten
the cable as much as possible.
Pull out the plastic cover cap on foot of the remote cable. (see Fig. S)
Hold the inside adjusting screw and push it toward the shifter, then tighten the locking nut toward the
Mag unit housing to set the cable tension properly. (see Fig. T)
Check if you can set every position from H to L correctly.
Finally, install the cover cap again.
(Fig. S)
(Fig. T)
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Adjust Screw
Lock Nut
Tighten this nut toward
the plastic housing