11. Commissioning
MiR1000 Shelf Lift User Guide (en) 12/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2019-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Draw a new line
when editing walls to create solid and even walls.
Adding zones to the map
Adding zones to the map helps organize robot traffic. There are several different zones that
can optimize the preferred paths and driving behavior of the robot.
For more information about what each zone does, see
MiR Robot Reference
on the MiR website, or ask your distributor for the guide
How to use
zones on a map
All zones are ignored when you drive the robot in Manual mode or when you
use a Relative move action (except when using Relative move actions in Limit-
robots zones).
Examples of when and how to use zones
The following sections describe examples of cases where certain zones can be used to
improve the robot's operations.