MiR1000 Shelf Lift User Guide (en) 12/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2019-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Global path
The global path is the route the robot calculates that leads it to its goal position.
Identification label
The identification label is the label that is mounted to the product in production. The
label is used to identify the components in your MiR application. It identifies the
product model, the hardware version, and the product serial number.
Local path
The local path is the route the robot creates within its immediate vicinity that guides
it around obstacles while still following the global path.
The method used by the robot to determine its position on the map relative to where
it is in the work environment.
Manual mode
The mode in which you can drive the robot manually using the joystick in the robot
A marker of a physical entity that the robot can dock to. This enables the robot to
position itself accurately relative to the marker.
MiR application
A MiR application is either a single MiR product or a combination of MiR products
that is able to execute certain tasks. A MiR application is often a MiR base robot
combined with a MiR top module. If a custom top module is used, the CE mark on
the nameplate of the base robot does not extend to the top module.