9. Navigation and control system
MiR1000 Shelf Lift User Guide (en) 12/2020 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2019-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Figure 9.3. The global path is shown with the blue dotted line that leads from the start to the goal position.
The global path is created only at the start of a move action or if the robot has failed to
reach the goal position and needs to create a new path. The generated path only avoids the
obstacles the robot detected when the path was made and the obstacles marked on the map.
The global path can be seen in the robot interface as a dotted line from the robot's start
position to the goal position.
Figure 9.4. The dotted line from the start position of the robot to the goal position is the global path generated
by the robot computer.