MiR250 Shelf Carrier User Guide (en) 03/2021 - v.1.4 ©Copyright 2021: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
MiR robot interface
The MiR robot interface is the web-based interface that enables you to
communicate with your MiR robot. It is accessed by connecting to the robot's WiFi
and then going to the site mir.com or by entering the robot's IP address in a
Muted Protective fields
When the Protective fields are muted, the robot moves at a reduced speed, and the
Protective field sets are minimized so the robot does not enter Protective stop until it
is very close to an obstacle.
The nameplate is the label delivered with your MiR application that must be
mounted before you commission the robot. The nameplate identifies the MiR
application model, application number, mechanical and electrical specifications, and
includes the CE mark of your application.
With MiR robots, noise in maps refers to recorded data that originates from
interfering elements. This can be physical obstacles that make the robot record walls
where there are none or more subtle interferences that can make recorded walls
appear pixelated.
Operating hazard zone
Operating hazard zones are areas where the robot drives with muted Personnel
detection and areas with inadequate clearance for personnel to work close by the
Operators have thorough knowledge of MiR250 Shelf Carrier and of the safety
precautions presented in the User guide of MiR250 Shelf Carrier. Operators have the
following main tasks: servicing, maintaining, and creating and changing missions and
map positions in the robot interface.