QuickStart Guide
Product Number: QG0005-05 Revision: A0; Date: 6/18/10
NV9000 Control System
and Accessories
Product Summary
Your Miranda shipment contains a system controller, a rack-
mounting rail kit, power cords, and this Quick Start guide.
Depending on you order options, the shipment might also
include cables and peripheral devices. See Figure 1.
An NV9000 Control System allows you to configure and oper-
ate routers, control panels, and other connected equipment.
An NV9000 Control System includes several parts that work
NV9000 system controller.
NV9000-SE Utilities configuration software.
PCs running configuration or control software.
Control panels (physical or virtual).
Optionally, master control components.
Optionally, automation, UMD, and other subsystems.
System Controllers
The system controller is a device that (1) receives commands
from control panel operators or from third-party systems, (2)
dispatches instructions to routers, and (3) returns status
information to the control panels or to automation. A system
controller can be a stand-alone unit (an ES9060). The ES9065
comprises two controllers that are paired to make a redun-
dant system. See
System Controller Redundancy
on page 2. (The
ES9067 is the same as the ES9065 but adds an NV9700 panel.)
Located at the rear of the system controller are six Ethernet
ports. See Figure 2.
Control Net
Provides communication between two system controllers
being used as a redundant pair.
House Net
Allows the system controller to communicate with your
facility’s computer network and with PCs running
NV9000-SE Utilities, GUIs, and other software.
Panel and Router Nets 1 and 2
Connect to routers and control panels. Any command ini-
tiated by an operator through a control panel is sent to the
system controller, which interprets the command, and
then sends appropriate instructions (such as “take”) to the
appropriate router(s).
NV9000 System Net
Connects to other NV9000 systems.
Master Control Net
Allows the system controller to communicate with a mas-
ter control subsystem.
The front of the system controller features a removable perfo-
rated plate. Located behind the plate, in the middle and close
together, are two LEDs and two small buttons. Each performs
a function, as follows:
This QuickStart Guide
The purpose of this document is to guide you through the
physical installation of the system controller, the installation
of configuration software, and the initial setup of the soft-
ware so that you can build configurations and read from and
write to your system controller(s).
NV9000-SE Utilities is the primary tool for configuration.
Location Item
Function Description
Warning Lights when the system
controller is not functioning
from left
Lights when power is on. An
alarm sounds if redundant
power is absent or degraded.
from right
Press to turn the system
controller on.
Rightmost Button
Press to reset the system
One or Two System Controllers
Figure 1. Package Contents
QuickStart Guide
(this document)
(Front View)
(Rear View)
Kit (s)
Optional Peripherals and Cables
Power cords