NV9604 Control Panel • User’s Guide
5. Operation
Chapter 5 provides operating instructions for the NV9604 control panel. It presents these topics:
This chapter is intended specifically for the NV9604 panel
As an NV9604 operator, you will be confronted initially with a relatively small and simple panel
just 32 buttons (and no display). The NV9604 can operate either as a stand-alone panel or as an
extension to an NV9602. As an NV9602 extension, it follows the mode and methods of the
The panel’s buttons can have arbitrary legends (using plastic inserts under the button caps). A but-
ton’s legend should indicate its function. Operators and configurers will have to communicate
about the meaning of the buttons.
At any particular time, some of the buttons are high-tally; some are low-tally; and some might be
undefined. Active buttons are of two colors, green and amber. Green generally represents sources
and source functions; amber generally represents destinations and destination functions, but the
colors are also used for other functions.
Please refer to the
NV9000-SE Utilities User’s Guide
(or the NV9000-SE Utilities help files) if
you are unfamiliar with the concepts used in this chapter.
Modes of Operation
As a stand-alone panel, the NV9604 has no modes, but can operate either as a single-destination
panel (using the default destination) or it can operate as an X-Y panel.
As an NV9602 extension, it operates in one of 4 modes (or behavioral models) of the NV9602:
Single-Destination Mode with Breakaway
The panel’s set of button functions varies slightly with the mode (or behavioral model).
Generally, to operate the panel, you press a destination button and then press a source button.
Choosing a source for a destination completes a take. This paradigm has slight variations in the dif-
ferent modes.
There is no ‘Take’ button in any mode.