5.7. Storing images obtained from a recorder in a PC and printing
<How to store>
With a click on the Scene Capture button
adjacent to the Camera window, the image
displayed there is stored in the PC.
The image data is stored in the cap_img folder in the MyDocuments as default. The name of
the image data is “L_recorder name_camera number_date time_two digits number.bmp” as
default. (“L” on the top is changed to “P” in the case of playback image.) The recorder name
and the camera number can be replaced respectively with “non-displayed” and “camera name”.
In addition, the image format for storage can be selected from Bitmap and JPEG. To change
settings, open the optional setting from the MainView screen and add a change with the scene
capture (refer to Sec. 4.7.4).
<How to print>
With a click on the Print button
adjacent to the Camera window, the image displayed
there is printed by the printer.
On the printed image, the current PC time is also printed in the case of the live image, and the
current recorder time in the case of the recorder image. In addition, the recorder name,
camera channel, camera name, and comment entered at the time of printing are also printed
As for the detailed information on margin adjustment and other settings, refer to Section