Camera system
EMC Test and Measuring Systems
Extended Manual
3 Communication Interfaces
Depending on the selected options receivers can have following communication interfaces:
RS 232: serial interface
RS 485: serial interface
LAN: Ethernet, TCP/IP
USB: virtual serial interface
The RS 485 interface is exclusively used to connect the optional remote control unit. Please refer to the base
manual on how to connect and operate the remote control unit.
The interfaces USB and LAN can be used to remotely control a receiver using the camera control software.
Depending on the selected options the camera control software also offers functions for displaying text on an on-
screen display. Please refer to chapter 4.2.2 for instructions on how to connect a receiver to the camera control
Aditionally you can use the interfaces RS 232, USB and LAN for communication with your own software or the
software of a third party manufacturer.
Please configure the interfaces in your own device as follows:
RS 232 and USB
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Handshake: no
Baud: 9600 (RS 232) / 57600 (USB)
Different baud rates for RS 232 are optionally available. Please contact the manufacturer for more information.
IP address of the receiver: Network settings of the receiver are configured using the camera control software,
see chapter
TCP Port of the receiver: 19308
Please take into account that your device and the receiver must be in the same subnet.
If you want to connect to devices outside of the same subnet, you can configure the IP gateway in the receiver
(see chapter and create a valid route between the subnets.
Currently you can use these interfaces to configure the on-screen display for displaying text.
OSD commands are described in chapter 5.
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