Camera system
EMC Test and Measuring Systems
Extended Manual
The text after the"=" can then of course be changed as desired.
4.4.3 matrix.ini
In these files (a separate file can exist for each existing receiver) the names of the individual outputs (video-out for
monitors, relay...) and inputs (cameras, DVI inputs...) are defined. Basic structure
The outputs correspond to the columns in the matrix display and therefore start in the file with the text "Col" and
the number of the channel, e.g. "Col1" for the first output channel. The rows correspond to the inputs and
therefore start with the word "Row" and the ID of the input, e.g. "Row3".
Both a long and a short text can be defined for the outputs. Long texts are displayed in the software and on the
large colour display on the receiver, short texts on the small displays on the receiver and remote control unit.
Long texts may have a maximum length of 11 characters, whereby a space should be entered after 5 characters at
the latest, which leads to a line break on the large colour display.
Short texts may not be longer than 3 characters. Long and short text versions are separated in the line by a";", e.g.
Col2=Mon. #1;M-1
means that output 2 (Col2) is displayed in the software as "Mon. #1", as well as on the colored display of the
receiver, where the texts "Mon." and "#1" are displayed one below the other, while the small display shows the
text "M-1".
Row3=Cam. #3;C03
means that in the 3rd row of the matrix view of the software the text "Cam. #3" is shown, on the colored display
also, where "Cam" and "#3" are shown below each other, and on the small display the text "C03" is shown.
The last line of the file must contain the highest selectable ID in the form
with x being the highest ID that can be selected in the system, for example
means that the rotary knob of the matrix receiver can only be turned up to the input with ID 17.
Only columns and rows defined in this file are displayed in the software. Multiple Files
If there are several receivers in the network, a separate file can and should be created for each receiver. The
names of these files must then follow the following convention:
where "receivername" is the name of the receiver, which can be assigned on the configuration page (see chapter
If the corresponding file does not exist, the "matrix.ini" file is used.
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