Never touch electrical wires or components while the motor is running. Exposed, frayed or
worn electrical motor wiring can be sources of electrical shock that could cause severe injury
or burns.
eNGiNe OVer-sPeeD.
Never tamper with the governor components or settings to increase the maximum speed of
the machine. Severe personal injury and/or equipment damage could result if the equip-
ment is operated speeds above design maximum.
reMOVe aDJUsTiNG KeYs aND WreNCHes.
Form a habit of checking to see that keys and adjusting wrenches are removed from the power tool
before it is turned on.
KeeP WOrK area CLeaN.
Cluttered work areas and benches invite accidents.
Do not operate equipment in dangerous environments. Always keep the work area well lighted.
aCCiDeNTaL sTarTs!
Before starting the engine, be sure the ON/OFF switch is in the “OFF” position to prevent
accidental starting. Place the ON/OFF switch in the OFF position before performing any
service operation.
Keep hands, feet, hair, and clothing away from all moving parts to prevent injury. Never
operate a power tool with shrouds or guards removed.
HOT ParTs!
Engine components can become extremely hot from operation. To prevent severe burns, do
not touch these areas while the engine is running, or immediately after it is turned off. Never
operate the engine with heat shields removed.
aLWaYs Use saFeTY GLasses!
Safety glasses should always be worn when working around power tools. Everyday eye-
glasses only have impact resistant lenses and may not prevent eye injury; they are NOT
safety glasses.
aLWaYs Use resPiraTOrY PrOTeCTiON!
Exhaust gases may be harmful if inhaled. Do not operate gas-powered equipment in en-
closed spaces. Respiratory protection should be worn when operating gas powered equip-
aLWaYs Use HeariNG PrOTeCTiON!
To reduce the possibility of hearing loss, always use hearing protection when operating
LeTHaL eXHaUsT Gases!
Engine exhaust gasses contain poisonous carbon monoxide, an odorless colorless gas that
can cause death if inhaled. Avoid inhaling exhaust fumes, and never run the engine in a
closed building or confined area.
MK-5000G saFeTY