DOC-0132 Crewsafe User Manual v.1.2
Mobilarm Ltd. © 2009
Managing Multiple Alarms
Although it is possible that multiple alarms will occur as a result
of several people activating an alarm for the same reason or incident, it is
important to ensure that each alarm is investigated before it is canceled, or
before multiple alarms are canceled from the system simultaneously.
Muting Multiple Alarms
If more than one alarm has been initiated across the network (i.e. more than one
person has initiated an alarm from a router, or multiple Tag alarms are active), press
the ALARM button on the Display Console to mute all current alarms across the
system. It is also possible to locally mute multiple alarms at an Internal Router by
pressing the ALARM button on this router. Any new alarm activated after muting will
restart an audio alarm across the network and reactivate the strobe on Tags.
Canceling Multiple Man Overboard Alarms
If you want to cancel multiple man overboard alarms you need to perform the cancel
function once for each Tag. The earliest man overboard alarm is canceled first and
any other man overboard or duress alarms are canceled in the order in which they
Canceling Multiple Duress Alarms
If you want to cancel multiple duress alarms you need to perform the cancel function
once for each Tag. The original duress alarm is canceled first and any subsequent
duress or man overboard alarms are canceled in the order in which they occurred.
Canceling Multiple Manual/General Alarms
Press and hold the DIM and ALARM buttons simultaneously on the Display Console
for 5 seconds to cancel all current general and manual alarms in the system.
Canceling Simultaneous Man Overboard, Duress & General/Manual
If both a man overboard or duress alarm and either general and/or manual alarms are
activated simultaneously then they need to be canceled separately.
1. Press and hold the DIM and ALARM buttons simultaneously on the Display
Console for 5 seconds to cancel all current general and manual alarms in the
2. Repeat this process to cancel the active man overboard or Duress alarm.
Note: If you have to cancel multiple man overboard or duress alarms then you need
repeat this process for each Tag in an alarm state. The earliest Tag alarm is
canceled first and any subsequent Tag alarms are canceled in the order in which