Trouble shooting
Q. When I press the Power button, nothing happens.
A. There are two possibilities:
The battery is flat or defective. Replace or charge the battery.
Power-On has been configured for 'delayed' mode. Press the Power button for
3-4 seconds to turn the camera on.
Q. When I turn on the camera the red LED slowly blinks 5 times behind the yellow or
blue LED. The camera then turns off.
A. There is no SD card inserted or the SD card is not making proper contact. Insert
the card and/or clean the contacts.
Q. When I try to record a video or photo the red LED blinks 3 times and the camera
turns off.
A. There is a problem with the SD card.
The card is full. Format the card by following the In-Camera Formatting
instructions above.
The card is not formatted correctly. Follow the instructions for In-Camera
Formatting above. Never use external programs to format the card while it is in
the camera.
Q. The camera functions normally but only records very short clips and may turn off.
A. This can be caused by the following:
The battery may not be charged. Charge the battery for about 2.5 hours until
the green LED turns off.
The battery is too cold to provide the power needed to record video. Keep the
battery warm before using the camera in cold temperatures (around freezing
and below).
Check the integrity of your card by using the program h2testw to make sure
your card is genuine and not a fake card that has been up-rated.
The card used is not compatible with the camera. Use class 10 cards for best
Q. The camera does not react.
A. The firmware may have entered a continuous loop, or the battery may be
Make sure the battery is fully charged.
Use a paper clip or similar object to press the Reset button. This should force
the camera to be turned off.
Wait 10 seconds.
Turn on the camera.
As a last resort, disconnect the battery and reconnect again after waiting 30