Oscillator Banks
CRAFTsynth 2.0 has 8 banks of 5 morphable wavetables and one extra sine/noise bank
available on Osc 2.
In each bank the waveform can be smoothly morphed between each of the 5 wavetables in a
bank with 32 steps in between each wavetable.
Each bank contains different styles of waves including waves from our 002 synthesiser,
mathematically generated, polygon and forman wavetables.
1. Virtual Analogue
- A standard set of audio waveforms
2. 002 Bank 1
- A bank of waveforms from the Modal 002 synthesiser
3. Math
- A bank of mathematically-generated waveforms
4. Polygon
- A bank of waveforms based on polygons
Oscillator Banks
5. Modal 1
- A bank of various Modal-curated waveforms
6. Formant
- A bank of waveforms derived from various formants and vocal sounds
7. 002 Bank 2
- A second bank of waveforms from the Modal 002 synthesiser
8. Modal 2
- A second bank of various Modal-curated waveforms
9. Sine/Noise
- A bank of sine and filtered noise, good for oscillator modifiers