5.1 Selecting Pattern to play
The x0xb0x has 16 banks of 8 presets for patterns. Thus, the x0xbox can manage 128
patterns in the memory. To select a pattern you only need to turn the Bank knob in the
respective position (1-16) and select the desired pattern by pressing one of the 8 keys. If
no button is selected always the first possition in the bank (Key 1 / Pattern 1) is selected.
If the sequencer is stopped, the LED lights up and the sequence starts when the
sequencer is started (even with external midi sync and Din Sync). If a sequence will be
selected by running sequencer, the new sequence changes directly after the current
sequence. To play several patterns related, please use the CHAIN function.
5.2 Concatenation of Patterns (CHAIN)
Pattern which are located in a common bank can be linked together.
This is also called pattern chain (CHAIN). A maximum of 32 patterns can combined in a
To create a chainplease press and hold the CHAIN button while the sequencer is stopped.
Now press the correspondenting keys of the patterns in the order you desired. A pattern
can also be played several times, please press the corresponding key as many times as
you want a to play them. To complete the chain input, please release the Chain button.
Now all the correspondenting LEDs of the selected patterns are lighten. Now start the
sequencer as usually, the corresponding LED lights up until the next sequence from the
chain is played.
The chain input with the same method is possible by running sequencer. The chain is
repeated until you choose a new or different pattern. After selecting a different / new
pattern the chain is deleted and may need to be re-entered.
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xoxbox MK 2
Mode Machines is a Division of Touched by Sound GmbH - Email: info@modemachines.com