1. Introduction
1.1 What is qualitative Fit Testing?
A simple but effective method for checking that a tight fitting facepiece seals adequately
to the wearer‘s face (FFP and half masks).
Pass/fail test that relies on the test person‘s response to a test agent.
If the test person can taste the test agent through the mask at any time, the test is failed.
1.2 What is Bitrex
An odourless substance which is used in Fit Testing for its strong bitter taste.
Developed for cleaning products to prevent children from drinking them.
Drinking water after the Fit Test will quickly remove the taste.
Further information: www.bitrex.com
1.3 Why Fit Test?
To select a mask model which matches the test persons facial features and seals
adequately to their face.
To check that the wearer can put the mask on correctly.
Required by legislation in some countries (UK).
1. Introduction