Chapter 2: Installation
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Configuring Software for Digidata 1550B Digitizer Use
CAUTION! After the unit is powered on, the first time it is initialized by the software, the
analog output channels send out a brief negative spike (~-10 V/25 ms and -5 V/270 ms).
Make sure that the analog outputs are not connected to any equipment that can be
damaged by such voltages during the startup period.
This configuration procedure applies to AxoScope software version 11.2 and Clampex
software version 11.2. Demo configuration is active by default.
To configure the digitizer to work with AxoScope software or Clampex software:
1. Run AxoScope software or Clampex software by double-clicking on the icon on the
Windows desktop.
2. Click Configure > Digitizer to open the Digitizer dialog, then click Change ().
3. Select Digidata 1550B Series from the Digitizer Type list.