6.7 Writing event slots
The Smart Planner currently supports the following time format: 12 hour AM/PM notation.
The 24-hour clock is not currently recognized.
The Smart Planner supports the following formats for indicating time span:
hh:mm AM or PM - hh:mm AM or PM
1PM- 3PM Lunch with John
hh:mm AM or PM - hh:mm
1PM-3 Lunch with John
hh:mm - hh:mm AM or PM
1-3PM Lunch with John
All of these examples will create a 2-hour event from 1PM to 3PM
If you only specify an event start time in the Smart Planner, a 1-hour event is automatically created in
your digital calendar.
6.8 Create an all-day event slot
To create an all-day event, simply write the event name without specifying a time.
Time formats such as AM and PM are NOT recognized while creating an all-day event.
6.9 Overnight events
You can write events that last up to 23 hours and 59 minutes from any time on one day to the next.
Simply record the event and timing on the start date.
For example: 09PM – 01AM Gala dinner