Lagren i bromshjulet är livstidssmorda och fordrar normalt inga åtgärder.
Om fel i lagren misstänks eller konstateras, vänd Er till fackman för byte.
Vevlagringen är typ kasettvevlager och fordrar normalt inga åtgärder.
Om fel i lagringen konstateras eller misstänks vänd Er till fackman för byte.
att kedjan går jämnt och att det inte finns något glapp i vevlagringen
att pedalarmarna sitter ordentligt fast på vevaxeln
att pedalerna roterar mjukt och att pedalaxeln är ren från diverse smuts
att pedalaxlarna sitter ordentligt fast i vevarmarna
att bromshjulet ligger i centrum och roterar jämnt
att styret ej sitter högre än markeringen på stammen
att tryckbrickan ligger kvar vid sadellåsningen
att sadelklamman är ordentligt åtdragen
att bromsbandet inte visar på stora förslitningsskador
att pedaler och kedja är smörjade
The human body is built for action – not for rest. Once upon a time this was a necessity: the
struggle for survival demanded good physical condition. But optimal function can only be
achieved by regularly exposing the heart, circulation, muscles, tendons, skeleton and nervous sys-
tem to some loading, i.e. training.
In the old days the body got its exercise both in work and at leisure. In our modern society,
however, machines have taken over an ever increasing share of the tasks which were formerly
accomplished with muscular power alone. Our life has at an accelerated tempo been dominated
by sitting, riding and lying. Thus, the natural and vital stimulation that tissues and internal organs
receive through physical exercise has largely disappeared. Certain tissues such as muscles, bone
and blood and also a number of bodily functions can adapt to inactivity – and to stress. Studies
have proved that if you use 30 minutes for exercise like brisk walking, running, bicycling,
swimming or skiing 2-3 times a week, your condition has been improved by some 15 per cent
after a few months. The efficiency of the heart muscle will increase and joints and muscles grow
in strength. The capillary density increases in the trained muscle and their enzymatic activities are
enhanced. The body adapts to the new demands. The perceived exertion at a given rate of exercise
becomes reduced.
With increased physical activity fatness is concentrated, the appetite functions “safer”, you can
eat more without risk for overweight and thereby the risk of lack of important essential food
nutrients decreases. For many individuals the effect of habitual physical activity also improves the
wellbeing and it is a good feeling to have a potential to cope with straining situations.