Upward Movement
Press and hold the button to raise the
Mount. (Tips: Remove all surrounding
items prior to adjusting the Mount height.)
Memory Setting
Long press the button for 3 seconds until you hear a
beep, indicating that the current position has been saved
to memory. The buttons can each store a height.
Recall Memory
Press the button and the mount will
automatically get to the position saved
in the corresponding button
Recall Memory
Press the button and the mount will
automatically get to the position saved in the
corresponding button
Memory Setting
Long press the button for 3 seconds
until you hear a beep, indicating that
the current position has been saved
to memory. The buttons can each
store a height.
Downward Movement
Press and hold the button to lower the Mount.
(Tips: Remove all surrounding items prior to adjusting
the Mount height.)
Default Setting
Short press the button and the mount will automatically retract
to the lowest position. To stop it, press the button again.
: Stop Button
Before power connection, be sure that bracket and the TV installed correctly.
Keep the children away from power.
AAA battery
(not included)
Reset Mode
Long press the
button for 3 seconds until you hear a beep, and the mount starts to move downwards. Then the mount will move
upwards a little bit when reaching the lowest position and stop. The system resets successfully when the unit beeps twice.
To Unpair a Remote Control
Press the small button on the control box wlth a paper clip or pencil as how you pairing the remote control. After
hearing a beep, hold and press the button for 5 seconds until you hear a beep again, which indicates the unpairing is completed.
Default setting & Pairing the Remote to the Mount
Everytime the mount is powered on, the unit beeps consecutively, indicating the mount is ready for
default setting
STEP 2a:
Press the small button on the control box with a paper dip or pencil as shown. The unit stops beeping, then press the
button on
the remote control, then you hear consecutive beeps for arround 10 seconds indicating the pairing is on going. After that, the unit beeps once
again, and stop, meaning the pairing is completed. Leng press the
button. The mount automatically retract to lowest position. When the
unit beeps once again, the default setting is accomplished.
STEP 2b:
Long press the
button. The unit stops beeping. Then, the mount automatically retract to the lowest position. When the unit
beeps once again, the default setting is accomplished.
1. CAn`T oPERATE There are 7 possibilities:
- lncorrect operation. Check if the unit beeps once after pressing a button. If so, please follow the lnstructions found ln the manual
to properly operate the mount.
- The system of Mount may be error. Check if the unit beeps three times after pressing a button. If so, please reset the system.
- The system may be overheating. Check if the unit beeps four times after pressing a button. If so, allow the unit to cool down (about 30 minutes).
- The AC/DC end of the power cord may be unplugged/disconnect from the outlet/mount. Check the connection to ensure the unit is powered.
- The operating distance may be too far and not in range of the mount. Using the remote control within 30 feet (10m) from the Mounts.
- The batteries in the remote control may be low or dead. Replace the batteries.
- The remote control may be broken. Check to see if the indicator LED found on the remote lights when a button is pressed.
If not, contact your supplier.
- Remove all surrounding items.
- The weight of TV may exceed the maximum weight Iimitation of the mounting system.
- The motor wire may be broken. Reset the system. If the problem still exists, contact your supplier for replacement.
3. ThE TV MoUnT IS MAkIng An AbnoRMAL noISE oR SoUnD.
- Check all power connections and reset the system. lf the unit continues to make an abnormal noise, please contact your supplier.
If it is the first time you turn on the mount, you should pair the remote to the mount first then start
default setting. See the
below. If it isn`t the first time you turn on the mount, you should
start default setting, and see the
lf the TV Stand fails to rise or lower, please match code between TV Stand and the remote control by following the instruction below: