Micron Echosounder
0650-SOM-00001, Issue: 02
© Tritech International Ltd.
It is possible to connect over a longer cable using a pair of RS232 to RS485 (or
RS422) converters and only using the RS232 connection over short ranges near
the Echosounder head and control computer.
3.3.3. RS485 Characteristics
The RS485 telemetry is half-duplex, 2-wire (RS485 A (or -) and RS485 B (or +)) with a
maximum speed of 115.2kbps.
The surface RS485 connection is typically through an RS485 serial COM port installed in the
computer (usually desktop computers) or an RS485 to RS232 signal converter. This protocol
is also used when connecting a Micron Echosounder to the AUX port of a Micron Sonar.
The RS485 circuit inside the Micron has a factory supplied 150Ω termination
resistor fitted. A matching resistor may be fitted to the surface side if the twisted
pair length requires it.
Maximum cable length
The RS485 protocol is capable of a maximum of 2000m using high quality twisted
pair cable.
3.3.4. Analogue Characteristics
Pin 5 of the
connector on the Micron Echosounder is able to output an analogue signal
which relates to the depth measured by the Echosounder.
This output will be calibrated from 0.03 to 5V to represent 0.5 to 50m depth.