0688-SOM-00001, Rev: 02
© Tritech International Ltd.
4.4 System Configuration.
The sensor head vertical offset (DQ Offset) and altimeter vertical offset (Alt Offset) will be required if a datum
reference point is to be used on the vehicle above or below the SeaKing 700 series sensor head and/or the
If the survey datum is above the pressure port then apply a positive DQ Offset. If the datum is below the altimeter
transducer then apply a negative Alt Offset. These offsets need to input into the Offsets dialogue box outlined
in section 3.9.
Datum’s and Zeroes
Usually a datum is established on the vehicle as a survey datum. This is generally not where the SeaKing 700
series head is actually mounted.
Seanet Pro allows for a position offset to be entered which corrects the displayed data for any physical offset
between the survey datum and the location of the SeaKing 700 series head and Altimeter.
Survey Datum
Negative DQ Offset
Positive Alt Offset
Positive DQ Offset
Negative Alt Offset