Monticello Flying Club Pilot Transition Manual: Mooney M20F
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straight-in approach, extend flaps, and trim to maintain a level pitch attitude to attain 80 MPH,
500'/min descent till single story height.
Then close throttle,
and hold the nose off to a +6 degree
Implement the missed approach by setting climb power, gradually raising the wing flaps
if extended, establish a positive rate of climb and retract the gear, re-trim as required and adjust
cowl flaps if necessary.
Remember the essentials; establish climb power, retract flaps, bring the pitch attitude up
8 degrees, when a positive rate of climb is established
retract the gear, and fly the proper
missed approach procedure.
It is good piloting to remember the initial heading and altitude of the
missed approach while on the descent so that you do not need to look at the plates while
retracting the flaps and gear.